[thelist] site critique request - ie5 mac/opera 5 screwed

Arthur Noel adn at clara.net
Sat Jun 23 11:00:34 CDT 2001

> not so good, here's a screencap from IE5/Mac so you can debug:
> http://www.cloudfactory.org/~mike/public/screencap.jpg

Thanks for that. I don't suppose anyone could give me a clue as to why this
is happening? The relevant parts of the stylesheet follow:

/* div containing the text and photo */
#content {
	width : 70%;
	margin-top : 20px;
	font-size : 0.8em;
	text-align : justify;
	position : relative;
	left : 140px;

/* a general rule for img elements within the #content div */
#content img {
	width : 150px;
	float : left;
	margin : 0px 15px 15px 0px;
	border : 1px solid #000;

/* rule applying specifically to the homepage photo, !important declarations
to overide the above */
#hpic {
	width : 200px !important;
	margin : 0px 0px 5px 15px !important;
	float : right !important;

So basically all there is is a container with the text and a photo
right-aligned within it - doesn't sound overly complicated does it?

> The only problem
> is that I don't get the full size img in Opera 5.11 Win98: just an
> empty new window

Me too and i don't know why, i'm opening the window like this:

function show_photo(img_id, title, pwidth, pheight) {
	photo_win = window.open("", "photo", "width=" + pwidth + ",height=" +
pheight + ",resizable");
	photo_win.document.write('<html><head><title>' + title +
'</title></head><body style="margin:0px"><img src="/photos/' + img_id +
'.jpg" width="' + pwidth + '" height="' + pheight + '"
	setTimeout("photo_win.focus()", 100);

It seems the window is opened to the correct size and an image is written
into the window but it only shows the borders, the space is blank.

Thanks a lot,

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