[thelist] More Smart Tags

Jamie Bakum jamie.bakum at circle.com
Mon Jun 25 15:12:00 CDT 2001

> well, isn't that up to user perception again?  if a non-CSS browser
> renders my pages horribly, that sends a completely different
> message to the user... and it does affect perception...

There's a big difference between: "My CSS looks terrible on this guy's
browser" and "My CSS sent him a link to MSNBC" ;-)

I think the latter goes beyond "perception"

>amen aardvark. so much MS bashing, but no mentions of the
>elmer-fuddalizer, or of babelfish's ability to translate a site, or
>indeed, pornalizer, or even most browsers ability to specify a
>stylesheet that overrides the design as specified by the server.

But in those cases, a user is taking the step to change something at his or
her end, and will (presumably) know that it's babelfish, or pornolizer, or
whatever, making the change - An extreme example - you go to my site, cut
and paste my source code and grab my images, and launch my site on your
desktop and change the colors - hey, knock yourself out -

My concern is that the less technically inclined or internet savvy surfers
(and that's probably a large percentage of everyone out there) will mistake
these tags for a feature present within the site, endorsed by the creator or
owner of said site...


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