[thelist] Putting keyword meta tags in Include files

Warden, Matt mwarden at odyssey-design.com
Mon Jul 9 07:41:31 CDT 2001

> From: "sfmalo" <sfmalo at msn.com>
> Subject: Re: [thelist] Putting keyword meta tags in Include files
> I was primarily concerned with using Includes for the keyword meta tags
> whether the search engines would indeed spider those includes.
> Notice that Matt doesn't use Includes for keywords and phrases although he
> does for other meta tags (like Author, etc.). But he does that because
> may change from page to page, if I understand him correctly. However,
> leaves me wondering if I'm better off not doing Includes for
> keywords/phrases until we definitely know that they're definitely being
> indexed as key words.

if you are talking about SSI, then yes they will be indexed. All "includes"
that I can think of are processed server-side, which means the search
engines will never know the difference. the include files themselves will
not be indexed. Rather, the result of your page and the include files
included will be indexed (and therefore the keywords will be indexed). If
you have:

<!--#include virtual="/includes/meta.inc"-->

The search engine spider (and *every* other client out there that requests
this file from the webserver) will see and index this:

<meta name="author" content="Doe, John">
<meta name="title" content="Foobarring in a Non-foo Economy">
<meta name="keywords" content="foo,bar,foobar">



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