[thelist] Which linux distribution?

Garrett Coakley garrett at polytechnic.co.uk
Thu Jul 12 07:36:38 CDT 2001

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001 13:15:39 +0000
Garrett Coakley <garrett at polytechnic.co.uk> wrote:

> From personal experience I would recommend Redhat. I work mainly with
> PHP, Perl, and lots of markup languages. I drop into Gimp I'm running 7.1 right 


There you go folks... the hazards of using a not quite finished email client. Something got mangled on the way to thelist. *:)

That sentence should have read:

"I drop into Gimp to do some graphics work, but all I really want is a
fully featured dev environment (can give you loads more info on my
setup/tools if you want)."

Running pretty low on tips right now... sorry.

<tip type="Nedit on linux" Author="Garrett">

If you want to use your nice new shiny scroll wheel in Nedit, add the following to the .Xdefaults in your home directory:

!# NEdit
NEdit*text.Translations: #override\n\
        Shift<Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up>: scroll_up(1)\n\
        Shift<Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up>: scroll_down(1)\n\
        Ctrl<Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up>: previous_page()\n\
        Ctrl<Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up>: next_page(1)\n\
        <Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up>: scroll_up(3)\n\
        <Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up>: scroll_down(3)\n 

The scroll_up(3) and scroll_down(3) control how many lines the page scrolls for one 'click' on the wheel. Adjust to taste.

Loads more nifty tricks like this on http://www.nedit.org



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