[thelist] SELECT @Variable FROM Table

Darren Darren at web-bitch.co.uk
Fri Jul 27 10:32:01 CDT 2001

On 27 July 2001 at 16:07:50, evolt <mwarden at mattwarden.com> wrote:

WM> On Jul 27, Darren had something to say about [thelist] SELECT @Variable...

WM> Seems like it's your table structure that's making things hard. How about:


If I could change the table structure I would have.  I'm seriously
considering tracking down the guy who did the table and doing mean and
nasty things to him! ;>

For anyone who's interested a couple of ways have been proposed as a
solution to this.

One way is to create a temp table and perform an 'INSERT INTO SELECT
+ at VarName ...' in the exec which gives you a table with one value in it
(note that you can't do a SELECT INTO as the table is only available for
the duration of the exec).  You can then just grab the value into your

An alternative route is using the sp_executesql sproc.

After a bit of scrabbling through the BOL I went with the sp_executesql
as it allows a lot more flexibility and you can pass parameters in and
out so no messing around with the second table.



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