[thelist] Perl: Writing to file not working......

CDitty mail at redhotsweeps.com
Thu Aug 9 20:50:56 CDT 2001

Can someone take a look at this and see what is wrong?   I am still 
learning perl and this is giving me a tough time.   If you can, please be 
very specific as I am still learning and get confused easily lately.  :)

The email.txt file is an empty file and has the correct permissions.



# This section needs to cycle through the emails.txt file.
# Once it has cycled through the file completely,
# it needs to search the array? and see if the new email address
# is there.  If it is, do nothing. If it is not, add it to the
# end of the file.
#Opens the counter file to get current number of plays
open (LOGEMAIL, "email.txt") || die "Can't open email.txt file for reading.";
flock (LOGEMAIL, 2); # Locks the file
@emailfile = <LOGEMAIL>; # Assigns the data from the file into an array
	foreach $emailfile(@emailfile) { # Loops through for each record
	($new_email) = split(/\|/, $logemailfile);
	$new_email = lc($new_email); # lowercase
	$email = lc($email);         # lowercase
	if('$new_email' eq '$email'){
	if($ok_to_log_email == '1'){
	flock (LOGEMAIL, 8); # Unlocks the file
	# Log the new player.
	open (LOGEMAIL, ">>email.txt") || die "Can't open email.txt file.";
	flock (LOGEMAIL, 2); # Locks the file
		print LOGEMAIL "$email|\n"; # write to file
	flock (LOGEMAIL, 8); # Unlocks the file

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