[thelist] Installing apache on win2000

David Altherr einstein314 at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 10 16:27:27 CDT 2001

> > > No you can get PHP to run really easily under IIS.
> > > In fact the PHP installer does all/most of the configuring for you so
> > > its just a case of point and click to set it up.
> > > On the other hand it is also pretty simple to set it up yourself.
> > >
> > > R.Livsey
> >
> > Indeed you can easily get PHP to run under IIS, but for better
> > and security, running PHP as an Apache module is optimal; PHP scripts
> > be executed directly by the Apache server process:
> >
> > David Altherr
> It is almost never true that Apache 1.3.x under Win32 can
> outperform IIS - something which Apache Group accepts during
> the warning which says *never* to use it for production
> sites...
> John Handelaar

I will not disagree with you there, IIS is to Win32 as Apache is to Unix,
both servers will run faster in their respectively native environments,
providing we are only discussing servers and platforms.

The issue is that you are throwing another program into the mix, in this
case PHP.  Based on what I have read in the past, including testimonials of
users (one such example:
http://www.phpbuilder.com/forum/read.php3?num=4&id=3245&thread=3221 )
,  I would argue that PHP_Apache_module/Apache/Win32 has the advantage over
PHP_ISAPI_module/IIS/Win32.  Of course, this could be founded on biased
information; I would like to see some actual benchmark stats to back it up.

Indeed, Apache warns that there are hazards in using Apache on a Win32
production site, but I think the major issue there is not so much
performance as it is security; Apache warns of the possibilities of hidden
security holes that they may not have found, pretty much a given considering
your porting it into a foreign environment.  If your an IIS fan then I'm
sure you're well aware that 'security holes' is one area in which IIS has no
shortage (in its own environment, as well):


I don't know how if the following information applies to the more current
versions and the configurations in question, but apparently there are a few
discrepancies in environment/server variables between Apache and IIS:


Again, assuming that you do not already have a PHP host, and considering
that your future PHP host will probably be serving with Apache on a Unix
platform, most likely Linux, I stand by my recommendation to develop on
Apache, for safety in compatibility.  That is, unless you know for a fact
that your host will be serving on IIS, or you can show me an abundance of
PHP/IIS/NT hosts; and even you can find said abundance, that would probably
mean that you have a choice between PHP/Apache/Unix and PHP/IIS/NT, in which
case NT hasn't a leg to stand on whether it be in the arena of performance,
configurability, or especially security.

Personally, I develop on PHP/Apache/NT5 but host on PHP/Apache/Linux.  The
only issues that I have run into when moving the scripts are known issues
concerning either the PHP versions or PHP extension versions (GD graphics
mostly). Of course, that's just my experience, I could be wrong.

-David Altherr

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