[thelist] How excusable is the use of frames?

Peter peter at vardus.com
Thu Aug 16 06:54:44 CDT 2001

>I have only ever seen 2 models for successfully using frames for the
>benefit of the user:
>1) http://www.anytimenow.com/ (although the same argument could be made for
>     any webmail site), to simulate an email client interface, allowing

Rule of thumb: frames can be useful in the type of site that is more of a 
web application, where users do tasks with lots of forms and stuff. A 
"normal" site, where most of the stuff users do is browse information, 
probably shouldn't use frames by default.

Ofcourse unless you have a good reason.

But I've hardly ever seen a valid reason for them (again, apart from web 
applications, like the one Martin pointed out) and many reasons against, 
not the smallest one that it breaks the page metaphor.

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