[thelist] Need Javascript help with a pop-up window

Amy Roberts amy at farallon.com
Sat Sep 1 10:03:15 CDT 2001

I'm developing a private site for deaf kids learning to chat with other
kids. One of its features is a pop-up window containing definitions of
unfamiliar words. The window is positioned at the far right of the
screen and opens when the user clicks on a word. Although it has a close
window link, I believe the user is less inclined to use it, so I need to
know how to bring the open window to the front when the next word is
clicked on that uses the same link?

This is the code I am using in the head:

function openWindow() {
  popupWin = window.open('../info/words_tips.html', 'remote',

And for each word:
<a href="javascript:openWindow();online">word</a>

I will appreciate advice on how to make the pop-up window, if it's
already open, come to the front.


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