[thelist] site critique please

Joshua Olson joshua at alphashop.net
Fri Sep 21 11:57:10 CDT 2001

Hey Kristina,

I kinda like the hand-crafted rollover effect you've done with the menu.
One thing, you might as well use the onclick event of the td to fire the
anchors since you've already moved the tactile response of the rollover to
the whole td...

Something like this:

onclick="location.href = '[same as anchor]'; return false;"

Also, you might throw style="hand: cursor" on the td so that it is apparent
you can click anywhere within the td.  The reason this can work is because
the borders already don't work in NN (they don't support mouse actions on
td's) and cursor:hand doesn't work, so no loss there, but enhanced
functionality in ie.

Make sense?


----- Original Message -----
From: "kristina" <kristina at kfx-design.co.uk>
Subject: [thelist] site critique please

:  Not sure if I'm feeling brave or stupid, but please feel free to
:  scrutinize this site: www.greatwesternhomes.co.uk/trial - it isn't
:  yet live, as I'm still waiting for data from the client.  But I'd
:  really like fellow Evolters opinions on the job so far...!

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