[thelist] PHP/MySQL results in multiple table cells?

Joshua Olson joshua at alphashop.net
Fri Sep 28 08:33:25 CDT 2001

Perhaps there is a way to pretend we are grabbing three rows at a time.

The trick is to grab the entire set of images and wrapping the display of
each one in it's own table cell.  Then, when the timing is just right,
through a </tr><tr> in the mix to start a new row.

Something like this pseudocode

  loop through items
    if query.row modulus 3 IS 0 "</tr><tr>"
      Insert display of item
  Insert trival <td>'s to pad out the last row of the table here.

Does this answer your question?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michele Wandrei" <michele at inthree.com>
Subject: [thelist] PHP/MySQL results in multiple table cells?

: It seems like there must be an easier way to do this.  Is there a
: way to run one query, then loop through the results array three
: rows at a time?

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