[thelist] Re: [thechat] ASP vs. ASP.Net - Anyone made the move?

jay.blanchard at thermon.com jay.blanchard at thermon.com
Tue Oct 2 14:48:45 CDT 2001

 > Excellent! This will put off any "do-overs" on existing stuff for a while.
 > Is the "<%%>" really gone, or does it still exist even in .Net when
 > converting? Just locating those little tags could be a costly,
 > time-consuming, exercise in thousands of ASP pages. You can't just
 > eliminate them, can you?!

Actually, I think you can, if you can be bothered. You know when you get a
message that has been forwarded a few times and you get all those >>>>>>>
preceding every line of text, well my wife copies it into Word and then uses
the replace function to change > into a space. I have no idea if this will
actually work with code, so don't take this as a recommendation, but it
might be worth a try.

Hmmmm....seems as if you could run into some problems, however I could be 
wrong as I have seen precious little of ASP.Net code to date. I know that 
the code has to be surrounded by <script></script> tags...but do you have 
to put some sort of write or response.write function for outputted HTML. I 
need to go buy a book I guess and find some way of putting the PHB off for 
a while.


Jay Blanchard
Web Development Manager
Thermon Manufacturing Company
1.800.820.HEAT x327

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