[thelist] Java.NET - good thing? bad thing?

Madhu Menon webguru at vsnl.net
Tue Oct 9 11:50:03 CDT 2001

At 08:28 PM 10/9/2001, you wrote:
>If SUN wasn't so arrogant about JAVA they could have wiped Microsoft off of
>the planet.
>Unfortunately, SUN will be a victim of it's own ignorance.

I have one thing to say - it is better to burn out than to fade away...

Oops. Wrong quote. Been watching too much Highlander :)

But seriously, I keep telling people that "Bill Gates is Satan" is not a 
business strategy. McNealy and Ellison are letting their hatred of Gates 
cloud their vision. They should focus on products, not individuals.

To quote Yoda: "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. 
Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you. " ;)

OK. I'm clearly feeling silly today.

<tip type="preventing crashes" author="Madhu Menon">

Go download BugToaster from http://www.bugtoaster.com

Bugtoaster records crashes on your machine and sends a report of it to a 
central database. They're working towards building a large database of 
crashes and getting the software companies to fix their software. Hey, I 
love anything that's going to prevent crashes. So do your bit and download it.

It's not ad-ware, so it's cool.




<<<   *   >>>
Madhu Menon
User Experience Consultant
e-mail: webguru at vsnl.net

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