[thelist] I hate Fireworks

travis forden travis at treevis.com
Tue Oct 9 17:11:52 CDT 2001

Not sure your post was clear or if you meant this, Matt. IE 4 does display 
PNG format images inline in web pages. It has problems reading stand-alone 
PNGs. Fireworks default format is PNG. This is different from the "regular" 
PNG that you would want to use. If you want to use PNG format for inline 
images on web pages, export to PNG from Fireworks, do not use the Fireworks 
file itself.

More info at:
http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/pngapbr.html (go down to Internet Explorer 
for details)


At 04:34 pm 2001-10-09, you wrote:
><tip type="Fireworks" author="Matt Wenham">
>DO NOT be tempted to use the PNG files from Fireworks as inline images
>in your web pages for two reasons:
>1) They contain vector object information which can only be read by
>Fireworks, and are therefore NOT optimised for web presentation.
>2) The non-bitmap information can crash IE4.0.

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