[thelist] Award Winning Site???

webmaster at menouno.com webmaster at menouno.com
Wed Oct 10 07:55:30 CDT 2001

On 10 Oct 2001, at 12:02, Richard H. Morris wrote about [thelist]
 Award Winning Site???:

> I defy anyone using an up-to-date browser on the Mac platform to be
> able to browse to beech furniture in the catalogue on the Argos web
> site - http://www.argos.co.uk - which has apparently won awards!

no need to get a Mac: I'm on pc, Opera 5.12 on WIN98 and I can't get 
to the site. First a grey screen, 30 second pause, then turns white 
and starts an endless reloading cycle: after two minutes it keeps 
loading and requesting and loading and requesting and I haven't seen 
anything but a white page, going back and forth from 

A case study for Jakob Nielsen?



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