[thelist] Award Winning Site???

jay.blanchard at thermon.com jay.blanchard at thermon.com
Wed Oct 10 11:52:20 CDT 2001

 >> Does it depend on the audience? (A B2B web site has different
 >> criteria than
 >> an entertainment site)

 >Almost certainly, yes. I'd have thought that the Argos site was targeting
 >consumers, some of whom might not be using the fastest connections and
 >latest hardware.

Ahhhhhh! A repeat of lessons not learned (boo.com)! (I also forgot to 
mention that on W2K w/ IE 5 there is a JavaScript error on each and every 
page of the Argus site. Did they not do ANY testing?)

As to the above, could we (as designers/programmers/what-have-you) 
establish sets of criteria for various types of sites? This criteria would 
not be used to hand out awards, but rather to stand along with 
design/programming guidelines for producing sites of quality for our 
customers. The frequent site reviews/critiques requested here contain some 
of the clues...and the frequency of those requests do indicate that there 
is something to be gained for all of us. These points could/should exist at 
a baseline level where browser incompatibility is taken out of the picture. 
After all, an "award-winning" web site should work for the masses unless 
designed for a special audience where things like browser usage can be 

Jay Blanchard

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