[thelist] Table Background (no repeat)

Gary Pool gary at whiteroseproductions.com
Wed Oct 10 12:22:59 CDT 2001

>I have a small image that i want to place as a background in a table. I want
>to keep the image small, and I dont want it to repeat. I want to place it
>near the top and in the center :) is this possible? I know you can do this
>sort of thing with a BODY background, but I cant find anything about it for
>a table.
>TIA :)

I have circumvented this problem in the past by making a large 
transparent gif with the image I want to show in the place I want it 
to be.
If you know the size of the table you can make the gif that size.
If the table is a percentage size you can make the transparent part 
of the gif large enough to compensate.
Gary Pool
gary at whiteroseproductions.com
Web Developer White Rose Productions

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