[thelist] Javascript submit()

Joshua Olson joshua at alphashop.com
Thu Oct 11 11:53:09 CDT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: ".jeff" <jeff at members.evolt.org>
Subject: RE: [thelist] Javascript submit()

: the better solution, however, would be to analyze the process you have in
: place and see if there isn't a better way of doing it.  for example, in
: process it seems that the radio button that's checked is important for the
: rest of the form.  if so, make that a separate step and make your entire
: piece a step through process.

While I agree with you that a reanalysis might be in order, I would caution
against making a step through process out of the form.  Step through
processes are real nice for end users (signup, wizards, etc) who may only
use it once or twice, but can be detrimental if the form is part of a
back-end Content Creation System where it may be used by the same person a
repeated number of times.

Just my 2c


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