[thelist] javascript help

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Thu Oct 11 16:31:39 CDT 2001


> From: Bill Lovett
> > just netscape.  this is important to do, btw because
> > nn2 does not support the focus() method on the window
> > object.  so, the way you're doing it now could still
> > throw an error for some users.
> Netscape 2?! Tell me you're not catering to the wayward
> misfit who is still "surfing" around with something
> that shriveled and moldy.

not directly, no.  however, that "wayward misfit" probably has a credit card
and is willing to buy things from my clients.  the last thing i wanna do is
use scripting that will throw an error for him causing him to go
elsewhere -- especially if it's avoidable without removing the functionality
the script provides.

the important distinction is that even though i'm not programming *for* nn2
users, i'm not programming against them either.  when working in an
environment where you don't know what sort of
devices/browsers/platforms/contexts will be used when viewing your site it
pays to try your best to prevent problems from occurring in as many as

fwiw, ie3 also has a problem with the focus() method when used as a method
of the window object.

bottom line, checking for support of objects and/or methods rocks over
browser detection.  that's really the basis of what i'm advocating.

> I'm telling webstandards.org on you ;)

while you're doing that, give them the middle finger for me too, will ya?



jeff at members.evolt.org

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