[thelist] Javascript submit()

Les Lytollis les.lytollis at morse.com
Fri Oct 12 05:09:42 CDT 2001

Sorry Guys,

Maybe just me being dumb here, but what do you mean by a step through
The form *is* for a public site (signup options) - the radio button action
needs to capture the length of signup and dynamically populate the price
list for that subscription length.

Do you mean that I should have a page for "choose subscription length" and
step-through to a separate page for "choose subscription options"?

Lez (who has had to use C++, PHP, ASP, JSP, XML, XSL and JS in the last
couple of months and is starting to dream in code!)

> Generally you're more likely to get a consistent technical platform
> in backend systems (intranets and extranets), so providing the wide
> range of platform support becomes less critical than for the public
> internet.
>  Step through
> processes are real nice for end users (signup, wizards, etc) 
> who may only
> use it once or twice, but can be detrimental if the form is part of a
> back-end Content Creation System where it may be used by the 
> same person a
> repeated number of times.

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