[thelist] xssi serving up separate css

The Optimizer chrism at puffofsmoke.net
Fri Oct 12 10:16:24 CDT 2001


Sorry to butt in...

> I understand why people would want to turn javascript off, but don't you
> feel it limits the internet - it holds back programmers and
> functionality -

I guess it depends what you're doing. JavaScript is an added bonus, or a
tool for MS only web apps. If as a programmer you rely on client-side
technology, you are holding *yourself* back as a programmer. As far as
"functionality" goes, the only real justification for using client-side
technologies at all is to shift the processing load from the server to the
client. Otherwise why not use Java or Flash?

> plus i avoid where ever i can using pop up windows - i find they cramp the
> screen and plus you can get a lot of rubbish on other sites, but lets face
> it if you're programming for a corporate site with their standard
> PC builds
> you're going to be programming for IE (mainly - there are
> exceptions as with
> everything in life), and 8 out of the 10 users don't even know
> how to empty
> their cache let alone turn js off.

There are other issues with using JavaScript other than merely denying the
user so-called functionality on your site (see tip).

> we live in a world that is geared to change yet we try and restrict our
> selves in one of the fastest changing environments in the world -
> where will
> it end?

"Graceful degradation" is the key phrase.

My $0.02...

Always use server-side validation for form input. It is a trivial matter to
bypass JavaScript validation in order to populate a database with meaningful


Chris Marsh

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