[thelist] Javascript submit()

Les Lytollis les.lytollis at morse.com
Fri Oct 12 11:28:01 CDT 2001

> a wizard.  a form that spawns multiple pages.  sometimes the 
> choice on one
> page will determine the form on the following page.

OK, just me being dumb then ;)

> ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
> > The form *is* for a public site (signup options) - the
> > radio button action needs to capture the length of
> > signup and dynamically populate the price list for that
> > subscription length.
> ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
> you don't have the price out there in a form element do you?  you know
> you're asking for some users to go changing that to give themselves a
> discount.  

no - that's why we need to *dynamically* update the page - to display the
prices as "labels" - all that's passed by the form is a subscriptionservice

>is that all that's affected by the radio buttons? 
> if so, why not
> just include the price next to each radio button label?
because each subscription period may have a dozen or so options to choose
from and services can only be bought for the same period - so if they were
all on one page I would need a way to disable choices once a subscription
period was chosen.

<takes deep breath...>

Anyway - I've decided on the "step-through" approach

Thanks for the suggestions



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