[thelist] Good online resume/portfolios?

l a u r a *^* l y n c h cyberminkie at cyberwhirled.com
Fri Oct 12 14:39:19 CDT 2001

At 09:14 AM 10/12/01, you wrote:
>1. How do developers show their work when the work they have done is a
>corporate intranet, or some other such project (i.e. private or very

I don't have anything like this anymore, but back in the day I used to just 
create a flat version consisting of a few pages, with a mock logo (if it 
was for some reason important not to reveal the client) and changing all 
the content to Lorem Ipsum. You're selling your design capabilities, after 
all, and generally the company you did the work for will be happy to verify 
that, yes, you did in fact do some design work for them (whether that's the 
client in question or some web shop you used to work for). Whether you do 
simple screen shots or a navigable version is, I think, dependent on what 
other content you have. For instance, a couple of the sites I currently 
have in mine are just screenshots, because for various reasons the sites 
never got built. But there are enough functional sites that prospective 
employers can see that yes, I can handle HTML/JS/CSS/SSI/various other 
acronyms. Also, just as a side note, unless it's a site I know I'm going to 
retain complete control over, I always keep a version of the site as 
delivered on my server and use that for my portfolio instead of the live 
site. Saves a lot of, "Oh, that's screwed up, but that's not how it was 
when I gave it to them, I swear!" when browsing sites during an interview. 
Oh - cyberwhirled.com is my 'shop' portfolio and cyberwhirled.com/laura is 
my 'resume' portfolio. Same project content, different interface.

l a u r a *^* l y n c h
design doyen @ cyberwhirled
ICQ: 1797450 AIM: cyberminkie

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