[thelist] PHP - Simple one

CDitty mail at redhotsweeps.com
Fri Oct 12 23:01:18 CDT 2001

Stupid Chris was echoing the variable points while in a loop.  Each loop it 
added it to the screen.  I moved it outta the loop and WOW it worked.  Duh...

I'm going to bed.  :^:)

Thanks again


At 10:53 PM 10/12/2001, you wrote:
>At 08:40 PM 10/12/2001, you wrote:
>>Never mind.  Stupid user error.  Got it fixed.
>OK - Spill. Inquiring minds want to know. ;-)
>Index your tables!! You can see a huge increase in communication speed 
>betwen your App and your DB when you index your tables. Use the columns 
>queried against your DB as the targets for indexes.
>Rebuild your indexes!! If you have tables that churn a lot of data (e.g. 
>new data in &/or deleteing data - you can get fragmented indexes. Don't 
>forget to take into account processing time when you rebuild the indexes - 
>you don't want to affect your users if you can avoid it.

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