[thelist] CF -- have a Q need a Tip to clean-up my webs.

Joshua Olson joshua at alphashop.com
Sat Oct 13 04:16:22 CDT 2001


If a variable is copied by reference then it doesn't matter which one you
change since both variables refer to the same location in memory.  However,
thanks for the reminder that it doesn't matter which one you change, though,
since you are correct in that.

----- Original Message -----
From: ".jeff" <jeff at members.evolt.org>
Subject: RE: [thelist] CF -- have a Q need a Tip to clean-up my webs.

: <cfset a = 1>
: <cfset b = a>
: <cfset a = 2>
: <cfoutput>
: #a#, #b#
: </cfoutput>
: which yields, 2,1 as the output indicating that indeed values are copied
: value and not by reference, otherwise b would be equal to 2.

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