[thelist] Hiding images (no right click?)

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Wed Oct 17 12:30:49 CDT 2001


> From: Peter-Paul Koch
> > no security is better than a false sense of security.
> It would only be a false sense of security if I'd say
> "No fear, I'll protect your images from being copied".
> Instead I say "I'll do what I can but truly preventing
> it isn't possible", which is true and also serves to
> satisfy the client.

if "truly preventing is isn't possible", then isn't "I'll do what i can" a
false statement?

i don't know of any clients i've ever dealt with who'd be satisfied with
that statement or continue to insist on ridiculous things like
no-right-click scripts, goofy plug-ins, or weird positioning trickery after
having the negative effects of these "techniques" described to them.  (god
forbid they come out of the woodwork for me now)

> The script does have a high nuisance value, I admit <g>.

which is exactly the reason it doesn't belong being used.  it least you're
only catching the mouse event on <img> tags and not the whole damn document.



jeff at members.evolt.org

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