[thelist] Which browsers ship with QuickTime?

John Dowdell jdowdell at macromedia.com
Wed Nov 14 16:42:04 CST 2001

At 11:18 AM 11/14/1, Beau Hartshorne wrote:
> Does anyone happen to know which browsers (mac/win) ship
> with QuickTime pre-installed?

I know that at one point Netscape browsers shipped with the QuickTime
Netscape Plugin in all distributions, but you still needed to load the
QuickTime system extensions to see the content.

(Note that "all distributions" phrase... browsers do differ in what they
include in various download versions, in various CD versions, in various
bundled-with-application versions, in various OEM versions!)

Looked at another way, it may not matter what a browser originally
contained, because different people will add different abilities to it.
It's usually stronger to find what people can immediately view in their
current browser. This is what Media Metrix does four times each year:

The Media Metrix consumer audits don't test for particular versions of all
extensions, and it's definitely possible that the audience for a particular
site may not match these overall consumer norms, but the Media Metrix tests
of immediate viewability are the strongest overall approach I've seen to
testing viewing capabilities.


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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