[thelist] Access join query failing

Wade Armstrong wade at runstrong.com
Tue Dec 18 16:54:23 CST 2001

If you think the query's right, try writing it to the screen using
Response.Write. Sometimes that'll make it easy to see the error. If you
still don't see the error, try it out in MS Query or Query Analyzer -
that'll tell you if the problem's in the SQL or somehow in the ASP.


> Here's the error message:
> Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
> Syntax error in FROM clause.
> /buy2.asp, line 46
> Line 46 being where I pass the query to the db. There is valid data for the
> query (I pass the productid, ask for vendorid from VendorsProductsTlk, and
> match it with vendorid from Vendors, then get the matching vendorname.) No
> missing names, bad vendorids, it all looks good. Breaks no matter what
> productid I pass it, whether there's only one matching line from the db or
> several.
> So, if the query looks correct and the data looks correct, is there a next
> step?
> Thanks.
> joel

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