[thelist] Web Forms to Access DB?

mrg mrg at members.evolt.org
Tue Jan 8 09:40:00 CST 2002

Excellent point, as always. Using the database constraint method with Cold
Fusion, are you pretty safe doing a cftry/cfcatch like this?
    <cfcatch type="database">
        Sorry, try another username...
        <cfinclude template="form_register.cfm">


> From: "rudy" <r937 at interlog.com>
> insert username/password
> if database constraint violated, issue error
> let's say that the incidence of somebody trying to add the same
> username/password occurs one out of every hundred attempts
> if you are using script logic, you will issue 199 database calls
> if you let the database constraint handle it, you will only ever issue 100
> calls

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