[thelist] Web Forms to Access DB?

rudy r937 at interlog.com
Tue Jan 8 10:08:38 CST 2002

> Using the database constraint method with Cold
> Fusion, are you pretty safe doing a cftry/cfcatch like this?
> <cftry>
>    <cfquery>INSERT...</cfquery>
>    <cfcatch type="database">
>        Sorry, try another username...
>        <cfinclude template="form_register.cfm">
>    </cfcatch>
> </cftry>


yes, that should work

worst case scenario, without something to "catch" the database error, the
user will probably see the raw database error -- not always a bad thing,
since it does usually indicate what the problem was (e.g. "unique
constraint on username violated") but probably too shocking for most users


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