[thelist] Video in a presentation

C Williams seahorse at inreach.com
Wed Jan 9 20:10:57 CST 2002

you can use the 'embed' tag and embed a movie such as .avi  in your page.
You can have a stop and start button for the movie, but this will be a
really small file (compressed).  but I will say 3-6 minutes is a very long
time for such a movie on the web without a streaming server and a connection
other than DSL.  You will have to capture the video, and hopefully have an
encoding board and appropriate software to encode it as .mpeg.  This will
consume a whole lot more bandwidth than you think, and I would really
investigate the type of server their site is hosted on before you spend one
more minute.  One or two movies and they could be into bandwith charges.....

Powerpoint requires powerpoint to view. Flash and Director also support
.avis, but require the skills to create the movies and create the
presentation in Director or Flash.   Acrobat is for print.

The different formats depend on your audience, and what platform and plug in
viewing devices they have installed.  I think you need to figure out if the
movies are really necessary and will bring value and clarity which would not
be available through any other source.

If you like, I would be glad to talk to you about this, as I think you are
in the same area as I.

Best wishes,


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