@import hack (was Re: [thelist] Form CSS styles)

Mark Howells mark at mountain.ch
Thu Jan 17 12:35:59 CST 2002

Am Donnerstag den, 17. Januar 2002, um 19:06, schrieb Andrew Clover:

>> And what excactly don't you like about using @import?
> I just don't like the idea of embedding one language in another; it's
> easiest for everyone if styles stay in a stylesheet and executable 
> code(*)
> stays in a script.

Why not use

<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="/basic.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" 
href="/advanced.css" />

and then using just the one line

@import "/reallyadvanced.css";

in the linked "advanced.css" file ?

Mark Howells

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