@import hack (was Re: [thelist] Form CSS styles)

Mark Howells mark at mountain.ch
Mon Jan 21 03:46:02 CST 2002

That's something I've come across in more than one browser and it also 
applies to image url()s inside CSS. I made the decision a long time ago 
that absolute URLs (based on the webroot) are the way to go. Then again, 
I don't have to use GoLive to design or manage the site structure.

Mark Howells

Am Freitag den, 18. Januar 2002, um 18:11, schrieb Andrew Clover:

> I believe IE4/Mac resolves @import URLs
> relative to the HTML document, not the stylesheet, so if you're using
> relative URLs and the CSS and HTML are in different directories you can
> confuse it.

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