[thelist] AOL wants to buy RH Linux??

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Mon Jan 21 14:15:17 CST 2002


> From: Jon Hall
> > > I agree.  I'm also perplexed by other AOL purchases
> > > such as WinAmp, which they've basically done nothing
> > > with.
> >
> > i'm perplexed by that as well.  i think nothing has
> > happened to it yet because the folks at winamp have a
> > difficult time letting the big giant screw with them.
> >
> > it's hard to believe it's been almost 2.5 years since
> > aol acquired winamp.
> >
> > http://www.winamp.com/news.jhtml?articleid=9127
> Winamp 3 is at beta 2 right now, and being actively
> developed every day.  Does bringing Shoutcast online
> count as nothing also?

i think you misunderstood what i was saying.  i didn't mean that there's
nothing going on at winamp -- quite the contrary really.  what i meant is
that it appears aol is keeping their fingers out of the winamp/nullsoft
business for the most part.

<tip type="coldfusion" author=".jeff">

don't mess around with things in shared scopes without locks around them.
shared scopes are easy to remember -- a.s.s. == application, server,
session.  lock with scope locks -- exclusive for writes to the shared scope,
readonly to read them.

<cflock scope="session" type="readonly" timeout="10" throwontimeout="no">
  <cfset foo = session.foo>

<cflock scope="application" type="exclusive" timeout="10"
  <cfset application.foo = foo>

or, save yourself the hassle, and copying them to a local scope or structure
at the beginning of the request and then back from that local scope or
structure to the right scope at the end of the request.  then, if you need
to read or write, you just perform the operations on the local scope.

in application.cfm -- copy to a local scope:

<cfset local = StructNew();
<cflock scope="session" type="readonly" timeout="10" throwontimeout="no">
  <cfset local = Duplicate(session)>

in onrequestend.cfm and before any cflocations -- copy from the local scope
back into the shared scope:

<cflock scope="session" type="exclusive" timeout="10" throwontimeout="no">
  <cfset session = Duplicate(local)>

now, you can do reads and writes like this (notice no locking required):

<cfset local.foo = foo>
<cfset foo = local.foo>




jeff at members.evolt.org

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