[thelist] SQL basic questions

spinhead evolt at spinhead.com
Tue Jan 22 11:36:02 CST 2002

> Sorry guys -
> I'm a different Joel.  And now I *know* I'm completely
> toasted.  Sorry for the confusion.
> Joel Lieberman

> --- joel <joel at spinhead.com> wrote:

's okay - I spent the first 30 years of my life being the ONLY Joel I knew,
and now when rudy responds to one of your posts, I invariably send him an
offline query about 'when did I say THAT?'

So, with that in mind, and 'cause maybe I owe

<tip type="trimming posts" author="spinhead">
When trimming posts (you ALWAYS trim, right?) besides remembering what to
trim, remember what NOT to trim. It's helpful when a thread gets long to be
reminded who said what and in what order.

joel (the spinhead one)

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