[thelist] Update Query not running

Joshua Olson joshua at alphashop.net
Tue Jan 22 13:56:08 CST 2002


is this the only update to this table that is not working?  Have you tried
replacing the <cfqueryparam> with a simple Val()?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Brady" <evolt at scottbrady.net>
Subject: [thelist] Update Query not running

: I've got an Access table where the unique ID is a UID and I'm trying to
: an update query (using ColdFusion 5) on it, for example:


: If I take the WHERE clause out, the update runs (of course, it runs on
: row, but it does run).
: With the WHERE clause, the query doesn't update any rows (I'm not getting
: any errors).

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