[thelist] Update on "Update Query not running"

Michele Foster michele at wordpro.on.ca
Tue Jan 22 17:10:35 CST 2002

In my case .. what I did was have two auto number fields .. the second being
a Long Integer... that's the one I made the primary key.  This might break
all the database rules out there, but at least it enforced that the GUID
that I'm testing against in the "where" clause IS unique.  In face, both
auto number fields are unique, i.e. no duplicates allowed, enforced in the
DB.  I'd prefer to check the GUID even if it's not the primary key, than
updating records based on a person's name, that can be duplicated.  You know
your data better than anyone else tho.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Brady" <evolt at scottbrady.net>

| Hmmm . . . since the updates work on tables where the GUID is a foreign
| and only doesn't work on the table where it's the primary key, I guess I
| use the user-name as the condition when I'm updating that one table . . .

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