[thelist] Browser usage stats

Steve Cook steve.cook at evitbe.com
Wed Jan 23 09:33:32 CST 2002

I see from your site that you moved to Sitzerland not so long ago. I
sympathise as when I moved to Sweden 3 years ago I found that many things
that I knew exactly where to find in the UK were difficult to locate in my
new country.

Some general possibilities to consider (I'm afraid I don't know for certain
where you'd find Swiss stats!).
	Do you have any Swiss web contacts whose brains you could pick
(obvious, but easily overlooked)
	Does the client have *any* existing web presence? If so there may be
some stats available.
	Is there anyone at your ISP you could ask? As a non-competitor they
may be more ameinable to giving you some helpful info.
	Is there any kind of professional body for web developers in

I'm sorry of you've already thought of all these. Good luck with the search.
If nothing else you may be able to pick up some interesting contacts!


   WapWarp - http://wapwarp.com
 Wap-Dev - http://www.wap-dev.net
 Cookstour - http://cookstour.org

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Howells [mailto:mark at mountain.ch]
> Sent: den 23 januari 2002 16:24
> To: thelist at lists.evolt.org
> Subject: Re: [thelist] Browser usage stats
> > As Andrew says, the real answer is to know *your* customers 
> or at least 
> > the
> > national preferences.
> That's why I'm trying to collate statistics on this. Can 
> anyone point me 
> to Swiss-centric statistics?
> Regards
> Mark Howells
> <http://www.mark.ac/evl>

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