Swish breaks your text into little components one per letter, so Google won't be able to index anything. Although I don't know how google's flash indexing exactly works, it would be nice to import your SWF from swish into flash, put it on the first frame with a loop and on another frame, put some text, the equivalent of what you have in swish, ie. our keywords. I don't know if that would help. But anyway for all the rest, writting the equivalent in pure text in the <noembed> </noembed> html tags will help. Cordialement, __ Alliax ~CV : http://LingoParadise.com/cv.php Un site pour Toulon : http://www.ToulonParadise.com Un site pour Renaud : http://www.rfaucilhon.com Un site pour Director : http://www.LingoParadise.com Un site pour Harmonica: http://www.LingoParadise.com/mp3