[thelist] Advice/help on drop-down menus for IE4.5 for Mac

Andy McNabb andrew.mcnabb at mindspring.com
Wed Jan 23 20:57:06 CST 2002

I'd suggest the staff upgrade to IE5.  4.5 on the Mac is really a
problematic browser and is very difficult to support with DHTML.

As for the alignment problem, add an onresize event to the body tag
triggering the snap layers to realign them if the window is resized.  This
isn't just a Mac issue as the layers are absolutely positioned and so will
loose alignment if the window size is changed.

Also for Mac IE5, you'll have to add marginheight and marginwidth attributes
to your body tag, or the layers will misalign by a few pixels.  This is a
known bug and the only workaround is to use those deprecated tags.



> I'll take a look there.
>> I love the layout and visual design of the site but found a problem in
>> that in IE5.1 on Mac, resizing the window after loading means that the
>> "pulldown" menu options don't line up with the top level menu options
>> any more. (There are a lot of broken links too, but I guess that the
>> site is under construction.)
> Sorry, should have noted that only two sub-pages are currently up
> (worship and adult ministry). I'll have to look into the resizing issue
> too, I guess. I'd appreciate having any other Mac-related quirks pointed
> out.

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