[thelist] One blowhard, hundreds of cubic feet of hot air

Andrew Forsberg andrew at thepander.co.nz
Wed Jan 23 22:28:57 CST 2002

>On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Madhu Menon wrote:
>>  3) Other list members don't forget rude conduct easily. The next time you
>>  ask for help, you could find yourself getting the silent treatment from
>>  list members. They're also less likely to take your opinions seriously. Is
>  > that what you want? I don't think so.

Ben  Henick added:
>And that, folks, is no kidding.  Those of you who react strongly to Joe
>Clark's posts on webdesign-l (even though he posts all of half-a-dozen
>times a year) know exactly what I'm talking about (though in fact it's
>because of an attitude other than plain rudeness).

OK. Enough of this. It's all getting a bit too high and mighty... we 
all make mistakes of judgement, and few of us have the language 
skills to project the subtleties of voice into plain text. Even those 
amongst us who do have these skills may not take the time to exercise 
them when overly:

a) excited;
b) tired;
c) agitated; or
d) angry.

Let it go.

Brian has not made a name for himself as an arsehole. He did make a 
fair point or two, although the method of presenting this information 
was sub-optimal in the extreme.

>More to the point, when I get snippy on this list some of you have been
>known to ask, in effect "wassa matta" - which means a lot.

All the more reason to show a bit of understanding.

>People notice - and they remember.

How about a 'forgive but don't forget' policy? Or, even better, a 
'slate wiped clean after 3 tips' policy? Give the guy a break already.


Andrew Forsberg
uberNET - http://uber.net.nz/
the pander - http://thepander.co.nz/

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