[thelist] Site Check : www.cache-22.co.uk

R.Livsey R.Livsey at cache-22.co.uk
Thu Jan 24 10:55:32 CST 2002

> Lachlan Cannon <tiedefenderdelta6 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > The top bar is majorly [a bit wrong. Ed.] in Opera 6.
> Indeed, Netscape 4 does the same thing: in a table with 
> fixed-size cells and spare width left over, the slack is 
> distributed to all cells - even fixed size ones - according 
> to the amount of content in them. Since the middle cell 
> contains only an &nbsp;, these browsers make that cell very 
> narrow. The traditional solution would be to add 
> 'width="100%"' to the name_rep cell, to make it eat all the 
> slack. This is sort-of-wrong according to spec (it means 
> making a table of total width greater than 100%), but it 
> works in all browsers and it's the only way to defeat the 
> Netscape Annoying Table Layout Algorithm.
> Netscape 4 makes more annoying flubs with it, due to -
>  - the main page layout also suffering from the layout problem (can be
>    solved in the same way);
>  - some background images being very small. Netscape 4 will 
> often simply
>    refuse to draw small background images. Increasing size to 
> about 64x64
>    or more usually fixes this odd problem;
>  - borders set on form fields. This goes wrong in N4, so is 
> best hidden
>    from it using a separate stylesheet or unparsed rule (eg.
>    'form#news input').
> Did I mention that N4 is poo?
> -- 
> Andrew Clover

I hate NS :o)
However because Opera is doing it too I will change it!
Couldn't test in Opera because for some reason the install file doesn't
want to woek (I double click it and it does nothing!!).



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