[thelist] trimming replies (was: Really weird ASP problem)

Madhu Menon webguru at vsnl.net
Thu Jan 24 22:37:00 CST 2002

At 10:37 PM 1/24/2002, thelist-admin at lists.evolt.org wrote:
>See how I've trimmed the message below?  I've removed the middle two lines
>of the header (the to: and sent: lines), removed your signature block, the
>evolt footer, and your introduction since it did not directly ask a question
>to which I am answering.  This is a good example of how to trim.  So, option
>(c) is the correct answer, IMHO.

Even better, put the quoted part of the message ABOVE your reply so that
people have context i.e., they read the original message *before* they read
your reply - as I've just done ;)

Rude already pointed to Matt's article. Highly recommended reading. The URL
he posted might break because there was a bracket at the end (left in
accidently, no doubt.) Here it is again:



<<<   *   >>>
Madhu "MadMan" Menon
Defender of Justice, Destroyer of Evil, and Keeper of the Knowledge
Blog: http://madman.weblogs.com

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