[thelist] Access DB permissions

Veronica Yuill veronicay at archetype-it.com
Tue Feb 26 06:51:01 CST 2002

At 07:48 26/02/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Is there a permissions issue with the Access file? Is it a file
>permissions setting on the server or is it a setting within Access?

You didn't say what error you got, but it is almost certainly a file
permission issue. You need to place the db in a directory to which the
anonymous Internet user has write permission (preferably outside the Web
server tree). If it's in your public HTML directory, this is not normally
the case (for obvious security reasons!)


Veronica Yuill                 email: veronicay at archetype-it.com
Archetype Information Technology Ltd  http://www.archetype-it.com/english/
Dynamic websites for fast-moving businesses

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