[thelist] Jakob Nielsen [was Anti-aliasing]

Erik Mattheis gozz at gozz.com
Tue Feb 26 12:21:00 CST 2002

At 9:34 AM -0500 2/26/02, dan donaldson wrote:
>It seems to me that Erik has a bit of this. Like the old 3d animation
>house, where we looked on our computers as our mealticket, and would
>allow no evil to be spoken of them, even where they could not even hear
>us, Erik cannot bear to see his rice bowl questioned.

Keep your ignorant mudslinging between you and your wife please. Even
if I was that kind of guy who could do more than wait for the phone
to ring with my next project, I still wouldn't use Flash where it's
not appropriate without explaining to the client why they might want
to not have a "Flash intro" or whatever. You're just like Jakob
Neilson in that you're criticizing something you don't know about.

.jeff seems to be the only one here with misgivings about Flash
that's interested in learning about it. How's the sand feel around
the rest of your heads?

>  And he later disagrees
>that Flash content is more expensive to produce:

I didn't intend to mean that, and don't think I said it, sorry if I
was unclear - a lot of your post assumed I was saying that Flash
wasn't more costly to develop ... yes, indeed, in most cases Flash
content is more expensive to create.

>And then a statement by someone who hasn't considered that he is masking
>the real issue by comparing single pages to single sections of Flash
>movies. If as a content manager I need to add three new pages to my
>site, I can do so, easily, and link them effectively to other parts of
>the site, and build reciprocal links back in any way I like.

I'm glad you can do that, and glad I can do that in Flash.

>  While you
>possibly /could/ do this in Flash, it would be immensely harder to do

Maybe for you, who must not be as good at Flash as I am.

>Nielsen's point is focussed,

It's anything BUT focused ... it's wholesale condemnation - read the
title: "Flash 99% Bad"

- Erik Mattheis

(612) 377 2272


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