Liquid layouts and holy warfare (WAS RE: [thelist] Jakob Nielsen [was Anti-aliasing])

Ed Shuck edshuck at
Tue Feb 26 23:55:01 CST 2002


i think it is as good as i have seen.

these are some of the elements that really set it off.  none are 'tricky'
but just not often done.  first things line up.  second the test is just
right, not large not small.  i was not choked by the amount of data.  you
gave me what i needed to make a dec ision.  not running round trying to
convice me you read a book.

the site is work to be proud of.


----- Original Message -----
From: aardvark <roselli at>
To: <thelist at>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 8:40 PM
Subject: RE: Liquid layouts and holy warfare (WAS RE: [thelist] Jakob
Nielsen [was Anti-aliasing])

> > From: "John Handelaar" <john at>
> >
> > I think my real point is that liquid layouts (or at least
> > the full-width ones) have exactly as many disadvantages as
> > 'solid' ones.
> i have a selfish question, then...
> if you surf to:
> are the content pages too liquid?  there's a lot of padding on both sides
of the
> content, but it all (except for the case studies) scales down to sub-600px
> pretty well...  but do you personally find that harder to use?
> mostly i'm curious to a) hear how my site performs and b) get a better
idea of
> your perspective based on something i know...
> > Meanwhile, your phobia about full-screen browsers is
> > at least as unlikely as my screen resulution, as I'm sure
> > your data says :-)
> yeah, there are three people (out of 20) at work who surf full-screen... i
> figure it out... and they don't understand my 640 windows, either...
> --
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