[thelist] Layers vs. Div

Hassan Schroeder hassan at webtuitive.com
Wed Feb 27 13:30:00 CST 2002

MRC wrote:

>     Not so. The div element was part of the html 3.2 spec [1], which
> pre-dated Netscape 4.x.

"pre-dated" the *release* of NS4.x, but certainly not the start of
the development cycle :-)

And since, at the time, the only way to manipulate page elements was
JavaScript, a Netscape technology, it might have seemed like a better
idea to *not* use a standard tag like DIV that could be removed, or
have incompatible attributes added, or who knows what, later on ...

In hindsight, well -- hindsight is always 20-20, eh? :-)
Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- hassan at webtuitive.com
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   === http://webtuitive.com

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