[thelist] 1px img,css or what?

Miriam Frost miriam at members.evolt.org
Thu Feb 28 12:53:01 CST 2002

> I'm pulling hair out as to why a 1x3px spacer is putting huge amounts of
> space between 2 tables. I suspect it's an embarrasing html oversight but
> I just can't see it!
> here is the link: www.explodingnet.com/CSS/firetrace/
> the the gap between the two tables should *not* be that wide.

hi, Nick,

I think it's something to do with your doctype and the way the modern
browsers handle images... inline vs. block elements. I've seen this issue
come up like three times in the last month on the list, so y;all might want
to take a gander at it...

Full explanation here --
Tables, Images, and Mysterious Gaps


Mangling the Box Model Since 1971!

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