[thelist] Zope - opinions

Dan Romanchik dan at danromanchik.com
Fri Mar 1 09:14:01 CST 2002

Except that converting the entire site to Zope right now would not just be
"some" pain now. In this case, it would be a big pain now. He or his system
administrators and the designers would have to learn how to use Zope (which
has a very steep learning curve), then convert the site, and finally train
the users how to use it. That's an awful big investment for the simple site
that the original poster described.

Dan Romanchik - FreeAgent Writer, Editor,  and Web Developer
dan at danromanchik.com, 734-930-6564

----- Original Message -----
From: <martin.p.burns at uk.pwcglobal.com>
To: <thelist at lists.evolt.org>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: [thelist] Zope - opinions

> Memo from Martin P Burns of PricewaterhouseCoopers
> -------------------- Start of message text --------------------
> Subject:    Re: [thelist] Zope - opinions
> >I think there's a LOT of space between what you're doing now and a
> [high-end]Zope
> >deployment.
> Yup, and either tool can fill some of that gap. Strategically, though,
> what's the
> direction? It's likely to be some kind of CMS, whether hand rolled as
> suggested
> by Robert, or pre-packaged (eg Zope). Experience suggests that hand-rolled
> ones usually get ported to pre-packaged (with customisations) when the
> and pain of maintaining a hand-rolled one becomes too great, at which
> point,
> the port is a *real* pain.
> So, some pain now, or a lot of pain later..?
> That's the basic question, which I don't think any of us here can answer
> for you.
> Cheers
> Martin
> --------------------- End of message text --------------------
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