[thelist] PHP is eating my code? maybe?

Andrew Forsberg andrew at thepander.co.nz
Fri Mar 8 00:24:01 CST 2002

>On the right side, there is a table with the following in it; "View the News
>and Events archive1" height="1" border="0">". Exactly that. It's eating a
>couple of lines of the code and so the leftover HTML is showing up on the

Ok, but go directly to the file which is included and you'll see the
same thing:

It's probably a good idea to change the >> to >> in the
newsandevents.php file too. It doesn't seem to be causing any
trouble, but could do somewhere, sometime, someplace...

>I'm baffled.

At 12.57am I'm not surprised! (unless Eudora's stuffing up on me
again, and that's not your local time.)


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